Friday, April 30, 2010

The Civil Procedure Dream

I took my "Civ Pro" exam Tuesday, and now I'm studying for Property, and last night I had a dream:

In the middle of the Civ Pro test, realizing I had no idea what the answer was and terrified of failure, I picked up my things and walked out of the room. Joey and I left town, changed out names, and began a new life while pursued by government employees who wanted to arrest us for debt evasion. One thing I remembered from Civil Procedure: the government can sue you in any forum. There's no getting away from them; if they catch you, they can sue you with transient tag jurisdiction.

I think I may have discovered a heroine for future literary works; this version of me is less able to contemplate failure/mediocrity and much more able to creatively change her hair color and wardrobe to render herself unrecognizable. The version of Joey who is her sidekick can pick locks, pockets, and intimidate enemies. It could be big, real big.

If none of this makes sense, blame it on my second cup of strong coffee and sleep deprivation!


  1. oh my, I want to read that book... and there is more coffee on the way... oh my...

  2. I want to read it too. And I want it to have photos. That Joey. What a dog.
