Saturday, August 14, 2010


Every year, Amanda and I turn out to support our wonderful Central Kansas Free Fair, and 2010 was no exception! In attendance were our four horses, whom many of you already know: Diva, Diddy, Tucker and Sprite.

Diva was slightly less of a diva than she was last year. There was minimal drama after the first night, which she spent desperately whinnying to her BFF Sprite. By the end of show day she was downright docile, and she was first in her class (of one), two-year-old mares.

Diddy is recovering nicely from his weeks of hunger in Lawrence but he still looks a little lean...that didn't stop him from getting first in his two-year-old geldings class, two and three-year-old western pleasure, and third in horsemanship!

Sprite was grand champion other breed! We are all very proud.

Tucker was robbed in halter...but did still get reserve paint gelding, and due to some unfortunate traffic in his western pleasure class, was lucky just to escape with his (and Amanda's) life! Amanda rallied and went on to win horsemanship.

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