Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rachel in San Diego

I will have a separate post when this is all over and I have the patience to send them to myself on my phone, save them to my computer, then upload them here. I don't have the emotional stamina right now for three-step processes. But I can give a quick San Diego report.

Background: Rachel is in San Diego for moot court. The National Criminal Procedure Moot Court Tournament, to be exact.

The format: Rachel and Jared submitted briefs a few weeks ago which have already been scored. For the argument portion of the preliminary rounds, Rachel and Jared argue twice tonight and twice tomorrow night. Tomorrow night, scores will be computed, and brief awards and individual oralist awards will be announced, as will the 16 teams advancing to the elimination rounds Saturday. Saturday, the first round beings at 8 a.m. and the final round is some time after 2:30 p.m.

The trip so far: Rachel arrived in San Diego by way of Phoenix yesterday, ate an entire pizza, and fell into a deep sleep. This morning had coffee with Jared and Coach Beth, bought four pair of pantyhose, and retired to her room for meditation. Rachel is staying in a resort hotel with a wonderful view. Her room has a kitchen and an enormous bed. As mentioned above, photos will follow in a later post.

Apparently text following a heading and a colon must be in the third person. I will honor this in subsequent posts. I'll try to write something tonight after the two rounds, but it might be tomorrow morning before that happens. My body and I are on standard time.

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