Monday, May 10, 2010


Friday I took my last exam, and today I am home in Abilene, watching President Obama announce his second appointment to the Supreme Court.

It's hard to believe that an entire academic year has passed. A year ago I could not have imagined how difficult law school would be, let alone that I would survive it! I've met so many people who I know will be my friends for the rest of my life, and I've begun to build a body of knowledge that I will use in my career. It's an exciting and sort of terrifying time. Every decision seems like a very, very big one.

In seven days, I have my first day of summer school, and ten days after that I meet my mentees, 20 1Ls just as terrified as I was about the years to come. The shoe is very much on the other foot, and I hope I can be helpful to them during the strange and challenging law school waters.